
Preliminary program.

The program is in English. Translation available to Dutch

The final program will be available at the registration.


As preparation for The Trial there is a day of prayer at:

Pillar of Fire, Kerketuinenweg 10-C, Den Haag

PS: Parking is very difficult.

Start 10.00 hr.

leading by John Robb, Jack van der Tang, and others.

for registration:

Transport from the World Forum at 08.50;  09.30 and 10.15.

Only 10:15 has some seats available/

9-persons bus

Wednesday 3th July: Focus on the Land

10.00 Opening / worship

Introduction of past, current and upcoming challenges in The Hague at the ICJ (International Court of Justice).
About the History, the International Law and the Torah.

12.30 Lunch

14.00 Video, speakers, worship, prayer by:
Rabbi Katzman, Kevin Jessip, Lars Enarson, Bill Koenig, Andrew Tucker (thinc) and others

19.00 Benefit dinner, with special guests, music,

Thursday 4
th July Focus on the DECREE

10.00 Opening and Worship

10.45 Introduction, special Ceremony

Different delegations with signing the decree

Signing the decree and sealing it with a seal with wax (Esther 8:8)

12.30 Lunch

14.00 – 17.00 Worship, speakers, prayers

A delegation will deliver this Decree to the International Court of Justice (ICJ)

19.30 Closing with a special Evening.

Host: Jack van der Tang


Worship: by Eric Lageström and band



Jonathan Cahn (video message), US

Michele Bachman

Bill Koenig

David Parson, Int. Chr. Embassy of Jerusalem

Marthen Su – West Papua

Dr. Satish Kumar India Pastor en leader of the largest church in India

Andrew Tucker (Thinc)

Kevin Jessip, US

Hudson Mukunza, Kenia

Lars Enarson, Jerusalem / Sweden

Michael Obi, US / Nigeria

Willem Glashouwer, Christians for Israel International

Jim Garlow

Rosemary Schindler – Garlow

John Robb

Berthold and Barbara Becker, Dld

And others yet to be announced.

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